Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

Jual kaset game Age of Empire III murah meriah

Age of Empires III was developed by Enseble Studios and is a real time strategy game. The game is situated between 1500 AD and 1850 AD, in total there are 8 civilizations which can be played.

By gathering resources such as coin, wood and food which will help towards buildings, upgrades and also help build your army. Once all the enemies buildings and units are destroyed, the team will be eliminated from the battle.

Harga Hanya:
Rp 15.000,-
Dikemas dalam 1 DVD Polos+ 1 Plastik CD

4 komentar:

  1. kk onkos kirim berapa

  2. kalo ongkos kirim jakarta selatan berapa?

  3. kk ongkos kirim ke banggai kepulauan, sulawesi tengah berapa yaw,,,,,,,
